Services -Customer support

Customer Support

Transform your customer service experience with Prudent's Salesforce Service Cloud. Our comprehensive solution offers a range of powerful features to streamline and optimize your customer support processes.

Service cloud

Service Cloud

With our Service Cloud, you gain access to a unified view of customer interactions, enabling you to provide personalized and efficient service support.

• Take advantage of features such as case management, knowledge base, omnichannel support, and intelligent routing to ensure timely and accurate resolution of customer issues (quick 1st contact resolution).
• Leverage automation and self-service options to empower customers and reduce agent workload (maximize agent productivity).
• Furthermore, Service Cloud's robust analytics and reporting capabilities provide valuable business insights into support metrics, enabling continuous improvement.  

Effective Case Management

  • Centralized Case Management across source (email, web or call center)
  • Service Console Unified View of Customers and Cases
  • Access to Agents Customer History
  • Consolidated View of Customer Data
  • Mobile Support
  • Service Process and Automation
  • Self Service Portal
  • Knowledge Repository

Automatic Case Assignment for Agents and Task Rout

Workflow Creation for Support Processes

Automated Escalation and Exception Handling Rules

Empower Customers to Manage Cases and View Case Histories

Access to Knowledge Articles and Help Faster Resolution

Access to Knowledge Articles (key topics, FAQs, troubleshooting guides, etc.) to Aid Faster Case Resolution

Create Knowledge Articles to Drive Quicker Resolution of Similar Cases

How can we help?

Prudent Technologies & Consulting Inc have certified and trained Service Cloud consultants who can share best practices to maximize agent productivity, faster first contact resolution, less escalations, increase customer satisfaction and in the process drive positive results for customer retention which results in creating upsell and cross-sell opportunities.

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